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Looks like we're not the only ones who celebrate state lines . . . .
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Jan & Denny lead the way down Denny's "project" to the beach . . .
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Denny's got these floats tied up for a future project . . .
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Only one of us was breathing hard after the climb up from the beach.
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Jan enjoys her flowers, and Judy now has to keep them alive
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One night we did S'mores, observed hopefully by neighborhood dog Tanner
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Jan & Denny are quite involved in the Longbranch Improvement Club
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'The Flotilla", a floating low-rent dwelling, was eventually relocated by local authorities following numerous sanitation complaints
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OK - the DVD works. But the movie isn't one for folks who like happy endings . . .
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A lumberjacking demonstration found lots of willing bodies to serve as weights
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The event gave anybody a chance to try their hands . . .
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Some folks were better than others
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Determination was a big factor . . .
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So was falling off a log . . .
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A local artist found a way to recycle old horns into water fountains. Must be an acquired taste . . .
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A plumber's day off . . .
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Jan & Denny prepare to set off for a month of sailing . . .
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The "Photo Finish" will be their home for the next 5 weeks . . .
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Shortly after they left, we spotted this flying northward toward Seattle
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It's not a blimp - it's a Zeppelin, larger than any blimp and more maneuverable. (Picture from their website.)
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The views of Mt Ranier are always fascinating - even at moonrise
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This was the full moon in August, with the lights of Steilacoom, WA across the water
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The mountain is often shrouded in clouds. The views are very special . . .
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That's Judy's cousin Sara and Jerry Barton, who came to visit for a couple of days
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They brought their kids - the fuzzy kind
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The animals are great friends, and both are very appealing
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Is it my breath??
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After two days, we (and Tanner) bid the Bartons safe travels . . .
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A local fishing boat anchored near the house - one day it slipped anchor and just drifted away
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Never get tired of that view
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Al tries to look like he knows what he's doing with the space behind the TV set . . .
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Worked out well - our new Hi Def TV and speakers are great.
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The hardest part was stringing that bundle of cables from the front to the back of the RV . . .
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. . . so we could also have Hi Def video in the bedroom.
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Another project was to build a slide tray for one of our storage bays, so we could get at stuff
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We also replaced the old microwave/range hood with a new one. Judy likes it a lot
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We were very lucky to get the outside range vent installed. Another half-inch higher would have been disaster
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That's grand-nephew Nolan and his early birthday gift - a cat he's named Harold
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Harold is a very engaging cat, and also matches the furniture
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Lauren and Paul (Nolan's parents) live in another waterfront home a few miles from Jan & Denny's
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Judy gets some cuddle time with Harold
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Toward the end of September, Jan & Denny came back home . . . and unloaded the boat
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Took two dingly loads to get it all to shore, and multiple trips up the bluff to the car
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Jan couldn't wait to get back to housework.
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Jan also got quite attached to Harold
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Our last weekend, Ira & Anna came up from Portland for a couple of days
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Jan fed us all with chocolate chip cookies (and other wonderful foods)
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Ira and his mom . . .
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Good lookin' couple . . .
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Denny catches up on the news . . .
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Lots of visitors to the feeders, but the male hummingbirds rarely posed for pictures . . .
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If we did that, we'd be young too . . .
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Some say with a gray wig, Jan looks just like Judy. Who's who?
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They are sisters, after all
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Figured it out?
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Judy's on the right . . . and that's the last slide for this show