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Wes took this in his front yard a few days before we arrived
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Likewise - a well-fed coyote passing through
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The views from the Lockard porch are wonderful
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Rocky Mountain National Park offers many great views
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Whether you look up or look down, always lots to see
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It's always impressive to be looking down at the snowcaps
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It's rare to see two bull moose together - must be young ones
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This moose was a little more shy - quite lady-like
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Al, Judy & Fran
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Al, Fran and Wes
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We couldn't get a good view, but look at the size of those antlers!
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Brian & Laura Pierson share the loveseat with Ranger, a very patient pooch
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Lots of public art in Estes Patrk - this one's outside the library
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And this one's outside a gallery in the old Presbyterian Church
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Al gets to sit with some of the nicest people
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That's a very popular bench
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One night we all went out for pizza
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There were ten of us . .
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Big smile from Fran
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Linda & Luther lookin' good
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Guess who . . .
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Laura couldn't resist a visit to "her" ice cream store . . .
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It's hard to get handheld fireworks pictures . . .
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Game night with a couple rounds of "Apples to Apples"
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The Pierson Family Portrait, 2013 version
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These are all the folks from the former CBS
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And lastly, the whole July 4th gang . . .
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The Piersons were the first to leave, as they had deadlines back in Indiana
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The Stanley Hotel in Estes Park was the inspiration for Stephen King's novel "The Shining"
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We took an interesting tour . . .
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Crews were setting up the performance hall for a wedding reception
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A ghost reportedly occupies that balcony, right where that guy is standing
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The "Piano Room" had several magnificent instruments
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Our tour guide didn't know that the Wing 5-pedal piano was built to emulate many string instruments
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The hotel was built by F.O.Stanley, who also built the Stanley Steame
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The car had a wooden chassis - this one's original
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Heeere's Johnny! A prop from "The Shining" miniseries, filmed at the hotel
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The hotel tour focused (annoyingly) on the alleged supernatural events at the hotel
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In the hotel "tunnel", original 1909 electrical wires juxtaposed with hundreds of modern internet and fiber cables
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F.E. Stanley, twin brother of F.O., was an accomplished violin maker
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Fran caught the airport shuttle early in the morning to head home . . .
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We got to visit some parts of the National Park that had been closed a few days earlier
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Chasm Falls is really beautiful, with a well-groomed trail
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The falls drop is about 25ft
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This guy apparently knew what picture he wanted to get.
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You see evidence of landslides in many parts of the park
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During the summer, there's a lot of traffic
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One of the elk herds that populate the park, very near the top of the mountains
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Curious pattern in the snow - most snowslides just go straight down
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Wes kept promising we'd see a marmot
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We actually saw two . . .
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The Alpine Visitor Center is almost 12,000 ft up
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The remaining snowbank was quite popular
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That's Katie's arm feeding the ducks, near our post-church restaurant
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One last view of the mountains before we head out
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Getting ready to depart - too soon, of course, but inevitable
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Judy took the picture just before we headed down the driveway
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Headed for Wyoming, some interesting rock pillars north of Fort Collins]
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North of Salt Lake City, we just love those "dinosaur spines" . . .
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When times are tough, folks will sell most anything (in Burns OR)
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In Reedsport for Joyce Brandon's 90th birthday celebration
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Cindy Toney ran the guest book and name tag concession
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Joyce saw lots of friends. So did we . . .
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There was quite a crowd
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We hadn't seen Bonnie & Walt Kunsek for a couple of years
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Lots of folks from far and near
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By the time the cake was served, Joyce was getting pretty tired
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Music ably provided by Terry Moore and son Jonathan
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Judy had a nice lunch at the Schooner with Barb Rondeau
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We felt pretty good about seeing some of the music festival
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The big band concert at Shore Acres State Park drew a few hundred people
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As always, the gardens were in bloom
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Spotted in Rockaway Beach OR as we headed north . . .
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Chuck Wolfe shows off a banner with pictures of their dogs
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Judy grew up in Astoria. She likes to be welcomed home
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Headed for the Oregon International Air Show, Ira & Al compare directions
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Some people get into the show more than we do . . .
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Lots of concessions; the ferris wheel is at the county fair, across the street
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Fortunately for us, lunch was close by
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The show opened with four skydivers, and a stunt plane flying circles around them
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And then it was amazing aerobatics all day long . . .
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A jet-assisted sail plane was probably the most graceful
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The jet engine made it possible for the sailplane to get airborn without a tow
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Stunt planes are almost always beautifully painted
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The two small trails are two guys in "flight suits" gliding across the sky
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More pilots doing impossible things with airplanes
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These two planes did some amazing stunt routines
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Synchronized, no less
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Our seats ensured a good view of the low-level stuff
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You gotta have a biplane . . .
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You can only fly sideways just so long . . .
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Beautiful aircraft, expertly flown
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Horizon Airlines did a flyby in their Oregon Ducks paint scheme
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It's sort of like watching a disaster that never quite happens
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The Patriots jet acrobatics team was outstanding, and loud
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The six jets flew some well-executed formations
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The patriotically-colored smoke was a nice touch
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The show finale with a "wall of fire" was spectacular, and caught us off guard
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Not sure what this had to do with airplanes
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Anna & Ira head for the static display area
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There were many examples of cold-war aircraft, including this Chinese plane
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There's an air museum at the Hillsboro OR airport that provided many of these planes
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Judy's brother John introduces us to "Leonard the Lion-hearted"
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John's also developing his own egg factory
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We'll end on this shot of Leonard. Just just can't beat a kitten picture.