Jan 1 - Jan 30 - A Warm New Year
We started the year at the 1000 Trails Wilderness Lakes Resort at Menifee CA (1), but on Jan 2 we hooked up and drove around the mountain to the 1000 Trails Palm Springs Resort at Palm Desert CA (2). We have tried to be in Palm Springs the first two weeks of January most years so we can avail ourselves of the RV marketplace and other activities associated with the annual Western Region Rally of the Family Motor Coach Assn. Our avowed intentions of "see something new" kind of fizzled in January. We just had too many things get in our way. Back in December, we were gently rear-ended in Chula Vista, the result being a slightly bent bike rack on the back of our Honda. The damage to the other guy was more severe - that steel bike rack pretty well mangled his front end. Anyway, the bottom line was we needed to replace that bike rack, which we ordered once we got to Palm Desert and were confident we'd be someplace long enough to get it. When it came in, we discovered we'd need to modify the new one a bit so it would work in our situation. That started a week-long search for someone to cut, drill and weld some steel. Eventually we connected with a sometime sports car race driver named Jack Willes who had all the facilities to do the job. And although it took him only a couple hours, it took up most of our week to make it happen. The end result - a perfectly adapted bike rack, but no time at all to do the "new" things we vowed to do. We also finally resolved our ongoing GPS frustrations. Al did a lot of digging on the internet and finally came to the conclusion that our USB GPS receiver just wasn't compatible with Windows 8. So he ordered one that was. Ordered two, actually, just to be safe. Problem solved. The GPS has been working faultlessly since. There's a moral in that story somewhere. Probably has something to do with Norwegian stubborn.
About those Mexican medications: It is always amazing to us how inexpensive medications are south of the border. For example, the generic stomach acid reducer omeprazole sells in the US for around 39 cents a pill - $39.00 per hundred. In Mexico, we paid $2.79 for 120 pills. Similar savings abound on other drugs. Most are "made in Mexico", but some of ours were made in the USA. It's little wonder that folks from all over North America are stocking up. While you are supposed to bring back no more than a 90 day supply, nobody seems to question what's in your bag. We suspect if we were here a few more weeks, we could easily get a year's supply of all our meds for about half the cost of our annual prescription insurance premiums. Something to think about.
Only about 27 pictures in our slide show this time. Check them out here. |