March 1 - April 2 - Moving Northward, at a moderate pace
We started our month at the 1000 Trails Orlando Resort (1) where we'd spent most of the winter. It's a very nice place to spend time, and we like it there. Our primary project was to make plans for next winter - we knew we needed to make a flying trip to Oregon for doctor visits, and we'd decided to combine it with a family Thanksgiving. So we needed a place to leave the RV while we were gone. After checking out a few options, we elected to take advantage of some early-bird discounts and contracted for a 3-month stay at (big surprise) the 1000 Trails Orlando Resort. We like the park, we like the area, and it's just a mile or two from a Curves where Judy can exercise. Al started assembling a home theater computer to make it more convenient to play our large collection of movies. That was a 2-day project that still wasn't completed by the end of the month. A week after we got back to the resort in Clermont FL, the satellite techs returned to replace our rooftop satellite dish. A complete replacement dish had been shipped from the factory. When we opened the box, it was evident the dish had been damaged in transit. But turned out the only broken piece was the one piece from the original dish that was still bolted to our roof. So the guys mounted the dish, and despite our conviction that the thing had suffered from the shipping, it fired up and locked on first try. We congratulated each other, but reserved final judgment. We got a call from the mobility scooter distributor in Tampa who said he couldn't figure out the scooter problem, and that the factory was of little guidance. Al was pretty sure he knew what the problem was, and asked that the distributor order a couple of replacement parts, which he did. Al figured it would become a do-it-yourself project once the parts got in. They hadn't arrived by the time we left Clermont and started northward. Our bicycles take a lot of abuse hanging off the back of the car as we travel, and sitting out in the elements when we're parked, and Judy's was getting cantankerous. So we took her bike into a repair shop in Clermont and had it tuned up. Judy said it rode a lot better after servicing. Other than that, our major accomplishment during these last two weeks in the Clermont area was to get all the punches on our "get one free" card from CiCi's Pizza, and got a free pizza buffet. And with it, two punches on our next card, which we can't use until next winter. One more thing to look forward to.
Starting as a mobile home village about 30 years ago, The Villages complex has been among the fastest growing residential areas in the country for the past 15 years. In the 2000 census, there were about 8,000 residents. In the 2010 census, over 50,000 - an increase of over 500%. Judging by the construction, that number is now much, much higher. It's an age-restricted community (55+) with 39 (!) golf courses. It's run by a pseudo-governmental homeowners association controlled by the developer. It has very strict housing codes. Golf carts are the dominant form of transportation, and in most areas there's a whole network of cart paths separate from the roads. They operate their own hospitals and fire departments. It's kind of like a Stepford community - everybody dresses the same (golf shirts and shorts), landscapes the same (no dividing fences) and drinks the same drinks (margaritas are very popular). And all the mobile homes are long gone. There are four "villages" where families with kids are allowed to own property, and in those areas the development operates their own schools. But, for the most part, it's lots of very active gray haired folks. The parts for our scooter finally arrived, and two days before our scheduled departure northward we drove to Tampa and picked up the scooter and the new parts. We see how that works out. Judy relies on Curves to maintain an exercise regimen, an essential element in the treatment of her Parkinson's. Her home Curves club in Sun City CA was closing the end of March, so while in Wildwood, she began the process of transferring her membership to the Curves near the RV park in Clermont. Which, we then learned, was also closing. After some scrambling, she was able to transfer to another Curves in Clermont, but about 12 miles from the RV park. With so many of the Curves closing, we're starting to think about developing some alternate exercise strategies. We'll have to have it figured out by the time we get back to the west coast, as there are no longer any Curves north of Coos Bay on the Oregon or Washington coasts, and that's where all of our 1000 Trails Parks are located. On March 25, we climbed onto I-75 and headed north into Georgia for a 6-night stay at the Southern Trails RV Park in Unadilla GA (5). Unadilla is a tiny town half-way between Perry and Cordele on I-75. But it was close by three places we wanted to visit.
If it weren't for Jimmy Carter, probably none of us would have ever heard of Plains GA, a small farming town of about 700 people. But Plains is probably the town Georgia is most proud of, and Jimmy Carter remains its favorite native son. The Carter Historical Center is in the town's former school, where Jimmy and his future bride Rosalynn both went through all 11 grades offered. Carter had long set his sights on a career in the US Navy, and won appointment to Annapolis. He and Rosalynn both wanted to get out of Plains, seeing little future for them there.
Things improved, obviously, and the Carters eventually were able to build a new home in 1960, where they still live today. They're in Plains about 3/4 of the time, and when he's home on weekends, Carter still teaches a Sunday school class at the Maranatha Baptist Church, to which the public is invited. In March, he was there three Sundays, according to the schedule posted at the visitor center. Anyhow, we toured the very nice museum in the old school building and wandered around the Carter family farm, where Jimmy grew up. There was more we could have seen, but we got tired. And we still have to visit the Carter Presidential Library and Museum in Atlanta.
While in Unadilla, we celebrated our 23rd wedding anniversary, driving the 15 miles to Perry GA and a Longhorn Steak House for dinner. Hard to believe it's really been that long, and also hard to believe it's only been that long. When visiting Andersonville, Al backed the car into a stone wall and bent the bike rack just enough to make it unusable. Fortunately, there was a little one-man body shop just up the road from the RV park, and Larry, the proprietor, was able to straighten it out in about 15 minutes for just $20. Sometimes you just gotta love small towns. After our 6 nights in Unadilla, we started our serious trek northward. First night, we stopped at the 1000 Trails Oaks RV park in Yemassee SC (6), then a long drive (350+ miles) to "The Club" at Lake Gaston (7), just north of the NC-VA state line. We had dinner that night in the clubhouse, which served a pretty good prime rib. Judy had the "rib-eye" (but should have had the prime rib). The next morning, April 2, we drove the remaining 2 hours to the 1000 Trails Outdoor World Resort in Williamsburg VA (8), where we'll be for almost three weeks. But that's for our next report. Judy took a few pictures during our adventures, and we've put about 61 of them into our slideshow. Check them out here if you choose. |