April 2 - May 4 - A Couple of Burgs
On April 2, we arrived at the 1000 Trails Williamsburg Resort at Williamsburg VA (8), a park we'd never before stayed in. While we'd been to Williamsburg twice before, we'd always stayed about 40 miles out in Gloucester Courthouse. This park was added to our portfolio a couple of years ago, and is within 10 miles of Colonial Williamsburg, our prime reason for coming. We stayed 20 days. We got to the park just before Easter weekend, and were lucky enough to get settled before the double whammy of holiday weekend and Virginia's Spring break, which pretty much filled up the RV park after we arrived. Sometimes we have good timing. We celebrated Easter at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church. It's a relatively old church, but in a new facility, finished in 2006. With 1500 members, we expected a great Easter service. We underestimated. The church, which seats about 500, was packed. We counted 65 people in the choir. There was a brass septet, which even included a tuba! The sanctuary is fronted by a magnificent pipe organ, which features 33 Stops, 39 Ranks, across three manuals and Pedal (for you musical types). And when all that music power plus a full congregation fired up for the first hymn, it was enough to send chills down your back. At least it did ours. We worshiped there twice more while we were in town. You just gotta love a church with a clothing drive named "Drop Your Drawers and Knock Your Socks Off". Or one with a "Bacon and Bibles" men's breakfast study group.
About that organ - we couldn't figure out how that much sound was coming from what appeared to be a relatively small organ in the organ loft at the front of the sanctuary. Turns out there are pipes tucked away in almost every part of the building. There are pipes in the bell tower. There are pipes in the attic. It's surround sound in a 300 year old building. Bruton Parish is actually several years older than 300 years, dating to 1664. The current building, which has been in continuous use since 1715, was built after Williamsburg became the colonial capitol and it became the official church of the Royal Governor. Our other outstanding musical evening came complements of the US Army. Seems that nearby Fort Lewis is the home of the Army's Training and Doctrine Command. We have no idea what the "TraDoc" does, but they have a band, and it did a three-performance "spring tour" that included a stop at a community church just up the road from our RV park. We both agreed it was the best concert band performance we'd ever seen or heard. With over 50 people on stage, all professional musicians, the sound was faultless. The concert lasted about 90 minutes. Wow! In later conversations, we also decided it may have been the only concert band performance we'd ever seen or heard. Nevertheless, it was outstanding.
Historically speaking, our best encounter was at the site of Jamestown - the first permanent English settlement in the new world. When we were last there in 2008, they were starting on a major archeological investigation of the settlement. We said then we'd need to come back to see what they found. As we were buying our tickets, we asked about the introductory video that was about to start. The ticket agent said to skip the movie and go catch the Archeological Tour. "It's much, much better", she said. As the tour started, our tour guide Mark Sanders told us that every year, the international archeological community publishes a list of the top 10 archeological finds of the year, and that two of the finds that made those lists in the last few years were on our tour. That got our attention. He started off by explaining that unlike a lot of major historical sites in the US, the Jamestown settlement site is privately owned and thus not subject to the US National Parks regulations that no longer allow archeological digging. So they dig. He explained that until about 10 years ago, the prevailing wisdom was that much of the original fort had been lost to erosion from the James River. In their digging, they found that the foundations for all of the old fort were still on dry land. And that meant that all of the original settlement, which was inside the fort, was also still on dry land. They hired more archeologists.
As the digging continued, they excavated the settlement's community food warehouse. Along with the bones of all the usual edible animals - deer, goats, chickens, hogs - they found some unusual bones - cats, dogs, rats, mice. And, disturbingly, some human bones. And those human bones clearly showed the same signs of having been butchered for meat as all the others. Subsequent testing and lots of research determined that the skeleton was that of a teen-age girl (about 14 yrs old), probably a servant girl, who had probably died of natural causes. The winter of 1609 came to be known as "the starving time" - a winter of no food that killed a lot of the colonists. A supply ship from England had sunk, the natives in the area were hostile so the colonists couldn't go out to hunt or fish, and it was bitterly cold. A lot of the settlers died that winter. The finding of those human bones and subsequent research made the discovery the first (and so far only) documented case of survival cannibalism in the world. And it made the 2013 edition of the list. Although journals of the time by surviving settlers alluded to the consumption of human flesh, and there are other known stories of survival cannibalism (the Donner party, for example), it was these bones that provided physical evidence to support the stories. They've since done a forensic facial reconstruction of the young girl, and her skull and that facial reconstruction are both on display in the settlement's museum. And the research continues. They were able to get DNA from the bones, and through that hope to be able to find kinfok in England who might be able to identify the girl, now known only as "Jane". They've narrowed their search down to three counties in Southern England.
Other than that, we did a little shopping, ate out way too many times, Judy did her daily workouts at a nearby Curves, and we enjoyed the weather. We arrived a few days ahead of real spring weather, but within a few days the dogwoods and magnolias and redbud trees were in glorious bloom, and we were wearing shorts again. It's kind of neat having spring this many times. On April 22, we hooked up and drove about 200 miles to the Gettysburg Farm RV Campground (9), a few miles north of Hanover PA. In addition to the RV sites, this is what we'd call a "dude farm" - a few animals of several species that make up a petting zoo. Of course, there are also all the usual campground features - swimming pool, horseshoe pits, etc, plus about a half-mile of water frontage on a good-sized creek. We chose this park because (a) we wanted to visit Gettysburg again; (b) it's a 1000 Trails park and thus free to us; and (3) there's a Curves nearby where Judy can get her exercising. What we weren't aware of until we got there was that we were in the middle of the birthing grounds of the American snack food industry. We made two visits to Gettysburg. The first was to tour the new visitor center and museum, which wasn't yet open when we were there before. It's a wonderful museum, with an excellent film that explains the whole three-day Gettysburg battle. Arguably, the centerpiece of the museum is the Gettysburg Cyclorama, a huge painting that depicts the final battle - Pickett's Charge - where the Confederate forces attacked the Union position and were repulsed. The cyclorama was painted in 1883, 20 years after the actual battle. It's 42 feet high and 317 feet long, and is displayed as a 360 degree view of the battle, with the viewer in the center. It's been newly restored, and the display enhanced with sound and lighting effects. The foreground of the display is all real three dimensional objects and scenery, while the painting makes up the background. It's really effective.
Some snack food facts: Did you know that 85% of all the pretzels made in America are made in the Hanover PA area? Did you know that America's best-tasting potato chips (according to several national testing and tasting groups, including Consumer Reports) are made in Hanover PA? Did you know that the only difference between hard pretzels and soft pretzels is how long you bake them? Did you know that York Peppermint Patties were originally made in nearby York PA? The opportunity for factory tours (and free samples) abound.
Their factory store offers some of every product made by Snyder-Lance, including more varieties of pretzels than you can imagine. We came away with enough pretzels to last quite a while. But we still bought more on our next tour.
Unless you've spent some time in the northeast part of the country, you've probably never encountered Utz Potato Chips. They're made in Hanover, and distributed only from North Carolina to Maine, and west only as far as Pennsylvania and New York. Their factory tour is also photography-free, but we managed to find a few pictures on the internet. Utz is a family-owned business, with the fourth generation of the same family now running it. We heard a rumor that Warren Buffet was thinking of buying the company. Maybe the fifth generation doesn't want to carry on. There are 5 different Utz factories in Hanover. Every time they'd outgrow one, they'd just build another and keep on using the old ones. We toured the newest and largest. In one big room, we could follow the potatoes from when they came out of the skinning machine to when the bags went into the boxes. They get sliced, rinsed, sorted, fried, salted, sorted again, checked for discolorations, and bagged in a process that takes about 15 minutes from spud to snack. It was a self-guided tour, with audio narration at each stop explaining what was going on. And the aroma was mouthwatering. Unlike most fried snack foods, Utz fries theirs in pure cottonseed oil, and claims that makes the difference. Whatever, they sure are good. They've posted copies of several major magazines that ranked them first on lists of best tasting potato chips. Al bought a bag after we left the factory. They didn't last long. York County PA bills itself as the Factory Tour Capitol of the country, and there are a few tours we wanted to take but ran out of time. But we'll be back in the area in August, and will take another few tours - notably the Harley Davidson factory and a violin maker. And probably some others we don't know about yet. On May 4, we hooked up again and continued northward into New York state. But that's for our next report. You can imagine that we took a lot of pictures this month. Judy's been merciless in weeding out, leaving just the ones we like best, and there are still about 120 in the slideshow. Check them out here if you choose. |