Sept 29 - Nov 3 - Southbound
While driving about the park looking to see if the bike were someplace visible, we encountered former Reedsporters Dave & Audrey McDougald, who have made Seaside their more-or-less permanent getaway. They commute back and forth to their stick house in Welches OR, near Mt Hood. They're both looking good. Not finding the bike, we did some shopping and replaced it in Astoria. We think Judy's new bike may be a wee bit nicer than her old one. We'd been having trouble with the tow bar that connects the car to the motorhome while we travel, so we ordered a new one, arranging to have it shipped to our next stop at Florence OR. We're trying a new brand - Blue Ox - in the hopes that it stands up to our wear and tear a little better. We had dinner one night with Judy's brother John, and lunch another day with Chuck & Jan Wolfe, freshly back from a visit to Albuquerque for the Balloon Fiesta. We promised ourselves that next year for sure we'll be there for the balloons. We were most pleased at Chuck's complete recovery from his nasty leg fracture a couple years ago. He's walking fine without appliances and no noticeable limp. Mostly we lazed about, although we did replace the battery in the PT Cruiser, having milked the original factory battery for over 100,000 miles in 6 years.
On Oct 11, we drove about 170 miles south to the 1000 Trails South Jetty Resort (40) near Florence OR, and commenced our annual rounds of medical stuff. Long story shortened, we're good to go for another couple of years. Don't even have to get new eyeglasses. We took the RV in to the Florence RV Center for some maintenance work, and drove to the Newport (OR) Aquarium Judy reconnected with her harp buddy Ruth Boddy, and was able to attend a meeting of her home PEO chapter. We spent some time with our Realtor and decided we might as well leave the house on the market over the winter. The current renter doesn't seem to be spooked by the "For Sale" sign, and maybe we'll be lucky. We were able to actually attend our home church a couple of times, and it was very nice connecting with folks we seldom see. Our first Sunday, Chuck and Jan from the Astoria area were also there. Way cool. On Oct 24, we hooked up and drove the RV to church, and from there to Coos Bay (41), where we parked at the Mill Casino RV Park, a very nice place to park, and not at all expensive. We were up before dawn on the 25th to deliver the RV to Porters RV for servicing our auxiliary generator, and while they were doing that, made a fast trip back to Reedsport for one last medical chore. And by 10AM we were again hooked up and rolling south, hoping to beat the approaching storms. Almost succeeded in that.
On Nov 2, we hooked up and headed south to 1000 Trails Rancho Oso near Santa Barbara (45) for one night, and on the 3rd we drove the final 250 miles to 1000 Trails Palm Springs (46), where we'll be for three full weeks. We drove a total of 1,472 miles south through some of the most enjoyable scenery in the country. We didn't take a lot of pictures on our wander south, but we've managed to assemble about 60 for a slideshow. You'll find them here.