Nov 1 - 30 - A busy, wonderful month
On November 1, we hooked up and left the Lexington NC (25) area, heading south and hoping to stay ahead of advancing nasty weather. We didn't. By the time we checked in to the 1000 Trails Carolina Landing RV park at Fair Play NC (26) it was foggy and drizzling. The forecast was for torrential rains. The forecast was right. Our stay at Carolina Landing was just for one night - we didn't even unhook the car - and when we got up the next morning, it was pouring down rain. Just unplugging the electricity was a drenching experience. Al vowed once and for all to buy some rain gear. That's one sure way to ensure we won't have to hook up in a drenching rain again. But, on November 2, we slogged back onto the interstate and drove just over 100 miles to the Stone Mountain RV Resort (27) at Stone Mountain GA, timing our departure to avoid Atlanta rush hour traffic. And when we arrived, the rain had stopped and we were able to get settled in in the dry. The massive stone sculpture on Stone Mountain commemorating heroes of the Confederacy was one of the bucket list things we wanted to see in the Atlanta area, and we were parked just a mile from the Georgia State Park that encircles the mountain. But we didn't get there. And we'll regret not going. From pictures we've seen, it's a spectacular high-relief carving into the mountainside, and well worth seeing. Circumstances just didn't make it happen. We'll probably not have another chance. Oh well, we can't do everything.
And since what he calls his "involuntary retirement" after one term in the White House, Carter's been all over the world, using his influence and negotiating skills to try to bring democracy to places without it, and to try to find remedies for diseases that can be prevented by helping folk get sanitary water supplies, just to name a few things. In the videos shown where he's discussing some of his activities, you don't get the sense that he's bragging, even though he's taking credit for things that he's accomplished. He's probably been the most "Presidential" of the ex-Presidents. And he's showing little sign of slowing down, despite the recent diagnosis of brain tumors (since successfully treated) and being 91 years of age. We even got to see his Nobel Peace Prize - never saw one of those before.
Last spring before we left, we'd rented 3 months at the 1000 Trails Orlando Resort near Clermont FL (30). And having paid for Dec., Jan. and Feb., we then made one of our free membership reservations for the three weeks preceding. So on Nov 10, we drove the last 54 miles and settled in. We booked those three months for several reasons, not the least being the proximity of a Curves just a mile from the park, where Judy could maintain her exercise regimen. In fact, Judy'd transferred her membership to that Curves. But a couple of months after we left, that Curves closed. So Judy moved her membership to the next-closest Curves, about 12 miles up the road. And in September, THAT Curves closed as well. So Judy moved her membership to Williamsburg VA for two months. The result was that one of the first things we needed to do was find another Curves. There are two, each about 22 miles from the RV park. And after visiting both, Judy became a member of the one in Winter Garden FL. So her half-hour workout became a 2 1/2 hour commitment. It's increasingly clear we have to develop another way for Judy to exercise. But first, we had just a few days to get ourselves organized and catch a plane back to the Pacific Northwest. We flew on Mon 11/16 to Portland OR. Back in July when Al made the reservations, he found that two first class tickets could be had for a total of just a couple hundred dollars more than what our economy plus class seats had cost us last year at Christmas time. And being that we'd never flown first before, and that it was unlikely we'd ever have another opportunity, we spent the extra bucks and opted for comfort. Maybe not a big deal for most people, but it was pretty neat for us. End of brag.
Our doctoring in Oregon went very well - Judy's neurologist detected no significant progression in her Parkinson's symptoms, and Dr Law renewed all our meds with only minor tweaking. So, having driven from Portland to Salem to Eugene to Seaside to Astoria in the pursuit of medical opinions, a week before Thanksgiving we rolled into Jan & Denny's driveway at Longbranch WA for our holiday reward. Much visiting ensued, and Jan & Judy did a LOT of kitchen work. Relatives assembled, and
there were 23 for Two days later, much of the group reassembled at niece Lauren's house to help her celebrate her birthday. And after brunch, we piled into the big black moose and headed for Portland in anticipation of an early flight Sunday morning back to Florida and reasonable temperatures. But somewhere between making the plane reservations in July and all the rest of the plans in October, Al got the dates messed up - our flight wasn't until Monday Nov 30! So we had an extra day lolling about the PDX Airport Sheraton, and finally got to fly back to our rolling home on Monday. Took us a while to connect with the airport shuttle back to our car in Orlando, so it was almost 8pm by the time we ended our trip. A long day, a rather busy month. We've assembled some of our pictures (along with some from other folks) into this month's slideshow. Check them out here if you choose.